Upstate Franchise Basketball Association is thrilled to announce that we have recently founded the Upstate Franchise Rugby Club (UFRC) with Nazareth University Coaches Andrew Spencer and Rob Ruhland!!!
UFRC is offering free skills clinics to introduce players to the sport, starting on Sunday, December 15th. Included in each clinic is instruction on how to play with top-notch coaches, pizza and drinks, and 30 minutes of off-the-field coaching and mentorship with a focus on mental health, leadership skills, and potential opportunities in the sport. There will be an informational session at 4:15pm on December 15th, open to parents and guardians. You don't want to miss this opportunity!
See below for details and register here for free! New players will be accepted on a rolling basis, space permitting. Instruction will build on the prior week, but coaches will be available for new players each week as well. Gym attire, sneakers, and a mouthguard are required. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, AND ALL SKILL LEVELS ARE WELCOME. PLAYERS IN GRADES 7-12, ALL GENDERS, ARE ENCOURAGED TO REGISTER!
Watch a video here to learn more about rugby and why we're so excited for this opportunity, and stay tuned for additional details about the program on our website and social media! Please share with friends and family ~ we're excited to see this program grow!!!